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Dynamically Populate ACF Select Field With Existing Gravity Forms

Add gravityforms as field’s Wrapper Attributes class.

// Dynamically populate the options of an ACF select field with Gravity Forms existing on the site
if ( class_exists( 'GFForms' ) ) {

   add_filter( 'acf/load_field/type=select', function( $field ) {

      if ( 'gravityforms' == $field['wrapper']['class'] ) {

         $gf['forms']['active'] = GFAPI::get_forms();
         $gf['forms']['inactive'] = GFAPI::get_forms( false );
         $gf['forms']['all'] = array_merge( $gf['forms']['active'], $gf['forms']['inactive'] );

         foreach ( $gf['forms']['all'] as $form ) {

            $field['choices'][ $form['id'] ] = $form['title'];



      return $field;

   } );

